1. a1, a2, ... , an is any finite sequence of positive integers. Show that a1! a2! ... an! < (S + 1)! where S = a1 + a2 + ... + an.
2. P, Q, R are three points in space. The circle CP passes through Q and R, the circle CQ passes through R and P, and the circle CR passes through P and Q. The tangents to CQ and CR at P coincide. Similarly, the tangents to CR and CP at Q coincide, and the tangents to CP and CQ at R coincide. Show that the circles are either coplanar or lie on the surface of the same sphere.
3. A1, A2, ... , An are points in the plane, no three collinear. The distinct points P and Q in the plane do not coincide with any of the Ai and are such that PA1 + ... + PAn = QA1 + ... + QAn. Show that there is a point R in the plane such that RA1 + ... + RAn < PA1 + ... + PAn.
Problem 1
a1, a2, ... , an is any finite sequence of positive integers. Show that a1! a2! ... an! < (S + 1)! where S = a1 + a2 + ... + an.
We use induction on n to prove the stronger result that the lhs < S!. For n = 1 there is nothing to prove. For n = 2, we have (a1+a2)!/(a1!a2!)= (a1+1)(a1+2)...(a1+a2)/(1·2 ... ·a2) > 1. Now given the result for 2 and n we have (a1 + a2 + ... + an+1)! > (a1 + a2 + ... + an)! an+1! > a1! a2! ... an+1!, which is the result for n+1.
Problem 2
P, Q, R are three points in space. The circle CP passes through Q and R, the circle CQ passes through R and P, and the circle CR passes through P and Q. The tangents to CQ and CR at P coincide. Similarly, the tangents to CR and CP at Q coincide, and the tangents to CP and CQ at R coincide. Show that the circles are either coplanar or lie on the surface of the same sphere.
Let L be the common tangent to CP and CQ at R. Let π be the plane normal to L at R. Then the center OP of CP lies in π and so does the line LP normal to the plane of the circle CP at OP. Similarly, we take OQ to be the center of CQ, and the line LQ normal to the plane of the circle CQ at OQ. LQ also lies in the plane π, so if LP and LQ do not meet then they must be parallel, so CP and CQ are coplanar. On the other hand if they meet at X, then X is equidistant from every point of CP and also from every point of CQ, so CP and CQ must lie on the sphere center X radius XR.
Similarly, CQ and CR are either coplanar or both lie on the surface of a sphere. If CP and CQ are coplanar, and CQ and CR are coplanar, then all three circles are coplanar. If CP and CQ lie on the surface of a sphere S and CQ and CR lie on the surface of a sphere S' ≠ S or lie in a plane S', then S ∩ S' must be CQ. But CP ∩ CR = Q lies in S and S' and hence on CQ. So P, Q, R are not distinct. Contradiction. Similarly if CP and CQ are coplanar and CQ and CR lie on the surface of a sphere. So the only remaining possibility is that all three circles lie on the same sphere.
Problem 3
A1, A2, ... , An are points in the plane, no three collinear. The points distinct P and Q in the plane do not coincide with any of the Ai and are such that PA1 + ... + PAn = QA1 + ... + QAn. Show that there is a point R in the plane such that RA1 + ... + RAn < PA1 + ... + PAn.
Take R to be the midpoint of PQ. If A lies inside the segment PQ, then RA < (PA + QA)/2. If A lies elsewhere on the line PQ, then RA = (PA + QA)/2. Now suppose A does not lie on the line PQ, then rotate A about R through 180o to A', so that APA'Q is a parallelogram. Then 2 RA = AA' > AP + PA' = PA + QA, so RA > (PA + QA)/2. Since no three points are collinear, at least one Ai must lie off the line PQ, and for that point we have RAi < (PAi + QAi)/2. For the others we certainly have RAi ≤ (PAi + QAi)/2. So summing ∑ RAi < &sum PAi.