1. Find all integers 0 < a < b < c such that b - a = c - b and none of a, b, c have a prime factor greater than 3.
2. D is a point on the side AB of the triangle ABC such that AB = 4·AD. P is a point on the circumcircle such that angle ADP = angle C. Show that PB = 2·PD.
3. f is a bijection on the positive integers. Show that there are three positive integers a0 < a1 < a2 in arithmetic progression such that f(a0) < f(a1) < f(a2). Is there necessarily an arithmetic progression a1 < a2 < ... < a2003 such that f(a0) < f(a1) < ... < f(a2003)?
4. Let X be the set of non-negative integers and f : X → X a map such that ( f(2n+1) )2 - ( f(2n) )2 = 6 f(n) + 1 and f(2n) ≥ f(n) for all n in X. How many numbers in f(X) are less than 2003?
Problem 1
Find all integers 0 < a < b < c such that b - a = c - b and none of a, b, c have a prime factor greater than 3.
(a, b, c) = (k, 2k, 3k), (2k, 3k, 4k) or (2k, 9k, 16k), where k = 2m3n.
It is sufficient to find solutions (A, B, C) without any common factor k which divides A, B and C, for then the complete set of solutions is (kA, kB, kC) with k = 2m3n.
Put D = B - A, then C = A + 2D, which has the same parity as A, so A and B must have opposite parity.
Suppose A is odd. Then C is odd and greater than 1, hence a power of 3. If A > 1, then A is also a power of 3, and hence B = (A + C)/2 is also. Contradiction. So A must be 1. Suppose C = 3n. Then B = (A + C)/2 = (1 + (4 - 1)n)/2 = (1 + (-1)n + (-1)n-14n + terms in 42 and higher)/2. Hence n is odd and B = 2 mod 4. But B is a power of 2, so B = 2 and C = 3.
Suppose A is even, then B is odd and hence a power of 3. If A is divisible by 3, then so is C. Contradiction. So A must be a power of 2. Similarly, C must be a power of 2. If A is divisible by 4, then since C is a larger power of 2, it must also be divisible by 4. Hence 2D = C - A is divisible by 4, so B is divisible by 2. Contradiction. So A must be 2. It is easy to check that (A, B, C) = (2, 3, 4) and (2, 9, 16) are solutions. It remains to show that there are no solutions with B divisible by 27.
Thanks to John Pye for the next part
Suppose there is such a solution, then we have A = 2, C a power of 2, B = 3n = 2m - 1 ( (A+C)/2). B = 27 does not work, so B ≥ 81 and hence m ≥ 4. We have 34 = 1 mod 16, so it is easy to check that 34k - 1 = 0 mod 16, 34k+1 - 1 = 2 mod 16, 34k+2 - 1 = 8 mod 16, 34k+3 - 1 = 10 mod 16. So n must be a multiple of 4. But since 34 = 1 mod 5, that means 3n - 1 = 0 mod 5, so B cannot be a power of 2. Contradiction.
Problem 2
D is a point on the side AB of the triangle ABC such that AB = 4·AD. P is a point on the circumcircle such that angle ADP = angle C. Show that PB = 2·PD.
Note that angle APB = angle C, so triangles BAP, PAD are similar. Hence BA/AP = PA/AD, giving PA = 2AD. Also BP/AP = PD/AD, so PB/PD = AP/AD = 2, as required.
Problem 3
f is a bijection on the positive integers. Show that there are three positive integers a0 < a1 < a2 in arithmetic progression such that f(a0) < f(a1) < f(a2). Is there necessarily an arithmetic progression a1 < a2 < ... < a2003 such that f(a0) < f(a1) < ... < f(a2003)?
Thanks to Arne Smeets
Suppose f(k) = 1. Then certainly f(k) < f(k + h) for any positive integer h. Now consider the sequence f(k+1), f(k+2), f(k+4), f(k+8), f(k+16), ... . Each term is different since k is a bijection. It cannot be always decreasing, since there are only finitely many positive values less than f(k+1). So for some 2n we have f(k + 2n) < f(k + 2n+1). But now k, k + 2n, k + 2n+1 is the required arithmetic progression.
We can find a bijection which does not even give f(a0) < f(a1) < f(a2) < f(a3) for any arithmetic progression a0 < a1 < a2 < a3.
For example, take f(n) = 2, 1, 8, 7, ... , 3, 26, 25, ... , 9, 80, 79, ... , 27, ... (for n = 1, 2, 3, ... ). Suppose that f(a0) < f(a1) < f(a2) < f(a3). Now a1 and a2 cannot be in the same block, and a2 and a3 cannot be in the same block, so there must be a complete block between a1 and a3. In other words, if 3n <= a1 < 3n+1, then a3 >= 3n+2 and a3 - a1 > 2·3n+1. But a1 - a0 < 3n+1. So a0, a1, a2, a3 is not an arithmetic progression.
Problem 4
Let X be the set of non-negative integers and f : X → X a map such that ( f(2n+1) )2 - ( f(2n) )2 = 6 f(n) + 1 and f(2n) >= f(n) for all n in X. How many numbers in f(X) are less than 2003?
Obviously f(2n) + 3 > f(2n+1) > f(2n), so f(2n+1) = f(2n) + 1 or f(2n) + 2. But f(2n)2 + 6 f(n) + 1 and f(2n)2 have opposite parity, so we must have f(2n+1) = f(2n) + 1. Hence f(2n) = 3 f(n).
So, in particular, f(0) = 0. Hence f(1) = 1. A trivial induction now gives that f is strictly monotonic increasing. Obviously f(128) = 37 = 2187 > 2003.
f(127) = f(126) + 1 = 3 f(63) + 1 = 3 f(62) + 4 = 9 f(31) + 4 = 9 f(30) + 13 = 27 f(15) + 13 = 27 f(14) + 40 = 81 f(7) + 40 = 81 f(6) + 121 = 243 f(3) + 121 = 243 f(2) + 364 = 729 f(1) + 364 = 1093 < 2003. So the 128 distinct numbers f(0), f(1), ... , f(127) are less than 2003.