37th British Mathematical Olympiad 2001 Problems
1. A has a marbles and B has b < a marbles. Starting with A each gives the other enough marbles to double the number he has. After 2n such transfers A has b marbles. Find a/b in terms of n.
2. Find all integer solutions to m2n + 1 = m2 + 2mn + 2m + n.
3. ABC is a triangle with AB greater than AC. AD is the angle bisector. E is the point on AB such that ED is perpendicular to BC. F is the point on AC such that DE bisects angle BEF. Show that ∠FDC = ∠BAD.
4. n dwarfs with heights 1, 2, 3, ... , n stand in a circle. S is the sum of the (non-negative) differences between each adjacent pair of dwarfs. What are the maximum and minimum possible values of S?
Problem 1
A has a marbles and B has b < a marbles. Starting with A each gives the other enough marbles to double the number he has. After 2n such transfers A has b marbles. Find a/b in terms of n.
After 2 transfers A has 2(a - b) = 4a - 2N marbles, where N = a + b. Suppose A has an marbles after 2n transfers. We have just shown that an+1 = 4an - 2N. Put cn = an - 2N/3, then cn+1 = 4cn. We have c0 = a - 2N/3, so cn = 4na - 4n2N/3. Hence an = 4na - 4n2N/3 + 2N/3 = (4n + 2)a/3 - 2(4n - 1)b/3. We require an = b and hence a/b = (2.4n + 1)/(4n + 2).
Note that we have not so far proved that there is a solution for n. We have just showed that if there is a solution then a/b has that ratio. It might be that one person has a negative number of marbles at some point. Fortunately, we do not have to worry whether the question requires us to show that n is possible, because it is easy to show that it is. The key observation is that if one person goes negative, then they remain negative. But after 2n moves neither A nor B is negative, so they cannot have been negative at any intermediate stage.
Problem 2
Find all integer solutions to m2n + 1 = m2 + 2mn + 2m + n.
Answer: (m, n) = (-1, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (2, -7), or (3, 7).
We have m2(n - 1) = 2m(n + 1) + n - 1 = 2m(n - 1) + 4m + (n - 1). Put k = n - 1 and this becomes m2k = 2mk + 4m + k (*).
If k = 0, then m = 0. This gives the solution m = 0, n = 1. If m = 0, then k = 0, so we assume m and k are non-zero. From (*) m must divide k and k must divide 4m. Put k = mh. Then h divides 4, so h = ±1, ±2 or ±4. Also we can write (*) as (m2 - 2m - 1)h - 4 = 0.
If h = 1, then m2 - 2m - 5 = 0, which has no integral solutions. If h = -1, then m2 - 2m + 3 = 0, which has no integral solutions. If h = 2, then m2 - 2m - 3 = 0, which has solutions m = -1 or 3. If h = -2, then m2 - 2m + 1 = 0, so m = 1. If h = 4, then m2 - 2m - 2 = 0, which has no integral solutions. If h = -4, then m2 - 2m = 0, which has solutions m = 0, 2.
Problem 3
ABC is a triangle with AB greater than AC. AD is the angle bisector. E is the point on AB such that ED is perpendicular to BC. F is the point on AC such that DE bisects ∠BEF. Show that ∠FDC = ∠BAD.
CD bisects ∠A and DE is the external bisector of ∠FEA. Hence D is an excenter of AEF and DF is an external bisector of ∠AFE.
∠BED = 90o - ∠B, so ∠AEF = 2 ∠B, so ∠AFE = ∠C - ∠B. Hence ∠CFD = (180o - (∠C - ∠B))/2 = 90o - ∠C/2 + ∠B/2. Hence ∠FDC = 180o - (90o - ∠C/2 + ∠B/2) - C = 90o - ∠B/2 - ∠C/2 = ∠A/2 = ∠BAD.
Problem 4
n dwarfs with heights 1, 2, 3, ... , n stand in a circle. S is the sum of the (non-negative) differences between each adjacent pair of dwarfs. What are the maximum and minimum possible values of S?
Answer: min 2n - 2, max [n2/2].
The minimum is obviously 2(n-1). The difference between 1 and n is n-1 and the sum of the signed differences as we go from n to 1 either way round the circle must be n-1. The sum of the unsigned differences must be at least as large, so S ≥ 2(n-1). This is achieved by the order 1, 2, 3, ... , n.
The maximum is almost obvious. If the numbers are a1, a2, ... , an. Then each difference is ai+1 - ai or - ai+1 + ai. So the total of all the differences is k1a1 + k2a2 + ... + knan, where each ki is -2, 0 or 2 and their sum is 0. So permuting back to 1, 2, ... , n the sum is h1 + 2h2 + 3h3 + ... + nhn, where each hi is 0 or ±2 and the sum of the hi is 0. If n = 2m, this is maximised by taking h1 = h2 = ... = hm = -2 and hm+1 = ... = h2m = 2, giving a sum of 2m2. If n = 2m+1, it is maximised by taking h1 = ... = hm = -2, hm+1 = 0, hm+2 = ... = h2m+1 = 2, giving a sum of 2m(m+1).
Checking that this can be achieved, we take: 1, 2m, 2, 2m-1, 3, 2m-2, ... , m-1, m+2, m, m+1 in the even case and 1, 2m+1, 2, 2m-1, 3, 2m-3, ... , m-1, m+3, m, m+2, m+1 in the odd case.