17th British Mathematical Olympiad 1981 Problems
1. ABC is a triangle. Three lines divide the triangle into four triangles and three pentagons. One of the triangle has its three sides along the new lines, the others each have just two sides along the new lines. If all four triangles are congruent, find the area of each in terms of the area of ABC.
2. An axis of a solid is a straight line joining two points on its boundary such that a rotation about the line through an angle greater than 0 deg and less than 360 deg brings the solid into coincidence with itself. How many such axes does a cube have? For each axis indicate the minimum angle of rotation and how the vertices are permuted.
3. Find all real solutions to x2y2 + x2z2 = axyz, y2z2 + y2x2 = bxyz, z2x2 + z2y2 = cxyz, where a, b, c are fixed reals.
4. Find the remainder on dividing x81 + x49 + x25 + x9 + x by x3 - x.
5. The sequence u0, u1, u2, ... is defined by u0 = 2, u1 = 5, un+1un-1 - un2 = 6n-1. Show that all terms of the sequence are integral.
6. Show that for rational c, the equation x3 - 3cx2 - 3x + c = 0 has at most one rational root.
7. If x and y are non-negative integers, show that there are non-negative integers a, b, c, d such that x = a + 2b + 3c + 7d, y = b + 2c + 5d iff 5x ≥ 7y.
17th BMO 1981
Problem 1ABC is a triangle. Three lines divide the triangle into four triangles and three pentagons. One of the triangle has its three sides along the new lines, the others each have just two sides along the new lines. If all four triangles are congruent, find the area of each in terms of the area of ABC.
The obvious configuration has ∠EDF = ∠EJI, so KH is parallel to AC and similarly LI parallel to BC, and GJ parallel to AB. Then to get equal area we need E,F to trisect LI and similarly for the other two lines. Suppose GH = kBC. Then GJ = 3kAB, so CG = 3kBC. Hence CH = 2kBC and similarly BG = 2kBC, so k = 1/5 and the area of each small triangle is 1/25 area ABC.
However, there are other configurations. For example, suppose we take GJ parallel to AB and KH parallel to AC, but LI not parallel to BC. Take GH = a, DH = b, GD = c. Then GDH is evidently similar to BAC because of the parallel lines. We find DE = b, EJ = b, so GJ = 2b+c. GJC is similar to GDH, so GC = a(2b+c)/c. Similarly, DF = KF = c, so KH = b+2c. Hence BH = a(b+2c)/b. Hence BC = a(bc+2b2+2c2)/bc. So BC/GH = (bc+2b2+2c2)/bc and hence the area of a small triangle is 1/(1 + 2b/c + 2c/b)2 times the area of ABC. Here the ratio can take any value less than 1/25 depending on the ratio b/c.
17th BMO 1981
Problem 2An axis of a solid is a straight line joining two points on its boundary such that a rotation about the line through an angle greater than 0 deg and less than 360 deg brings the solid into coincidence with itself. How many such axes does a cube have? For each axis indicate the minimum angle of rotation and how the vertices are permuted.
3 through the centers of two opposite faces, minimum angle 90o
6 through the midpoints of two opposite edges, minimum angle 180o
4 through opposite vertices, minimum angle 120o
6 through the midpoints of two opposite edges, minimum angle 180o
4 through opposite vertices, minimum angle 120o
17th BMO 1981
Problem 3Find all real solutions to x2y2 + x2z2 = axyz, y2z2 + y2x2 = bxyz, z2x2 + z2y2 = cxyz, where a, b, c are fixed reals.
(x,y,z) = (t,0,0), (0,t,0), (0,0,t) are solutions for any t and any a,b,c.
If a, b, c are the sides of a triangle (so a,b,c > 0 and a+b > c etc), or -a, -b, -c are the sides of a triangle, then x = ±√((s-b)(s-c)), y = ±√((s-a)(s-c)), z = ±√((s-a)(s-b)), where we have either 0 or 2 minus signs, are solutions.
If a, b, c are the sides of a triangle (so a,b,c > 0 and a+b > c etc), or -a, -b, -c are the sides of a triangle, then x = ±√((s-b)(s-c)), y = ±√((s-a)(s-c)), z = ±√((s-a)(s-b)), where we have either 0 or 2 minus signs, are solutions.
If x = 0, then y2z2 = 0, so y or z = 0. If x = y = 0, then z can be arbitrary. Similarly for the other pairs. Thus we get solutions (x,y,z) = (0,0,t), (0,t,0), (t,0,0) for any t. So suppose xyz ≠ 0.
Subtracting the second equation from the first, x2z2-y2z2 = (a-b)xyz. Adding to the last equation, x2z2 = (a-b+c)xyz/2. Similarly y2z2 = (-a+b+c)xyz/2. Hence x2y2z4 = (a-b+c)(-a+b+c)x2y2z2/4, so z2 = (a-b+c)(-a+b+c)/4 = (s-a)(s-b), where s = (a+b+c)/2. Similarly, x2 = (s-b)(s-c), y2 = (s-a)(s-c). However, this solution is only possible if a, b, c satisfy certain conditions.
If s-a > 0, then z2 > 0 implies s-b > 0 and x2 > 0 implies s-c > 0. Adding s-a > 0 and s-b > 0 gives c > 0. Similarly, a > 0 and b > 0. So a, b, c must be the sides of a triangle. Similarly, if s-a < 0, then s-b < 0 and s-c < 0, and hence a, b, c < 0. In this case -a, -b, -c are the sides of a triangle.
17th BMO 1981
Problem 4Find the remainder on dividing x81 + x49 + x25 + x9 + x by x3 - x.
Put p(x) = x81 + x49 + x25 + x9 + x = q(x)(x3 - x) + ax2 + bx + c. Putting x = 0 gives c = 0. Putting x = 1 gives 5 = a + b, putting x = -1 gives -5 = a - b, so a = 0, b = 5. Hence the remainder is 5x.
17th BMO 1981
Problem 5The sequence u0, u1, u2, ... is defined by u0 = 2, u1 = 5, un+1un-1 - un2 = 6n-1. Show that all terms of the sequence are integral.
We show by induction that un = 2n + 3n. True for n = 0 and 1. Suppose it is true for n and n-1, then un+1(2n-1+3n-1) - (2n+3n)2 = 6n-1. Hence un+1(2n-1+3n-1) = 22n + 32n + 13·6n-1 = (2n+1+3n+1)(2n-1+3n-1). Hence un+1 = 2n+1+3n+1, so the result is true for n+1 and hence for all n.
17th BMO 1981
Problem 6Show that for rational c, the equation x3 - 3cx2 - 3x + c = 0 has at most one rational root.
Suppose it has a rational root k. Then c = (k3-3k)/(3k2-1), so the equation is (3k2-1)x3 - 3(k3-3k)x2 - 3(3k2-1)x + k3-3k = 0, which factorises as (x-k)( (3k2-1)x2 + 8kx - (k2-3) ) = 0. The roots of the quadratic are -4k/(3k2-1) ± (√3)(k2+1)/(3k2-1), which are irrational.
17th BMO 1981
Problem 7If x and y are non-negative integers, show that there are non-negative integers a, b, c, d such that x = a + 2b + 3c + 7d, y = b + 2c + 5d iff 5x ≥ 7y.
If 5x = 7y, then y = 5d for some non-negative integer d, and we can take a = b = c = 0. If 5x = 7y+1, then x = 7d+3 for some non-negative integer d, so y = 5d+2, c = 1, a = b = 0. If 5x = 7y+2, then x = 7d+6, so y = 5d+4, c = 2, a = b = 0. If 5x = 7y+3, then x = 7d+2, y = 5d+1, b = 1, a = c = 0. If 5x = 7y+4, then x = 7d+5, y = 5d+3, a = 0, b = c = 1. If 5x = 7y + n, for n > 4, then we can take m as the residue of n mod 5, a = n-m and b,c,d as above.
The implication the other way is trivial.