25th International Mathematical Olympiad 1984 Problems & Solutions

A1.  Prove that 0 ≤ yz + zx + xy - 2xyz ≤ 7/27, where x, y and z are non-negative real numbers satisfying x + y + z = 1.
A2.  Find one pair of positive integers a, b such that ab(a+b) is not divisible by 7, but (a+b)7 - a7 - b7 is divisible by 77.
A3.  Given points O and A in the plane. Every point in the plane is colored with one of a finite number of colors. Given a point X in the plane, the circle C(X) has center O and radius OX + ∠AOX/OX, where ∠AOX is measured in radians in the range [0, 2π). Prove that we can find a point X, not on OA, such that its color appears on the circumference of the circle C(X).
B1.  Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with the line CD tangent to the circle on diameter AB. Prove that the line AB is tangent to the circle on diameter CD if and only if BC and AD are parallel.
B2.  Let d be the sum of the lengths of all the diagonals of a plane convex polygon with n > 3 vertices. Let p be its perimeter. Prove that:     n - 3 < 2d/p < [n/2] [(n+1)/2] - 2, where [x] denotes the greatest integer not exceeding x.
B3.  Let a, b, c, d be odd integers such that 0 < a < b < c < d and ad = bc. Prove that if a + d = 2k and b + c = 2m for some integers k and m, then a = 1. 


Problem A1
Prove that 0 ≤ yz + zx + xy - 2xyz ≤ 7/27, where x, y and z are non-negative real numbers satisfying x + y + z = 1.
(1 - 2x)(1 - 2y)(1 - 2z) = 1 - 2(x + y + z) + 4(yz + zx + xy) - 8xyz = 4(yz + zx + xy) - 8xyz - 1. Hence yz + zx + xy - 2xyz = 1/4 (1 - 2x)(1 - 2y)(1 - 2z) + 1/4. By the arithmetic/geometric mean theorem (1 - 2x)(1 - 2y)(1 - 2z) ≤ ((1 - 2x + 1 - 2y + 1 - 2z)/3)3 = 1/27. So yz + zx + xy - 2xyz ≤ 1/4 28/27 = 7/27. 

Problem A2
Find one pair of positive integers a, b such that ab(a+b) is not divisible by 7, but (a+b)7 - a7 - b7 is divisible by 77.
We find that (a + b)7 - a7 - b7 = 7ab(a + b)(a2 + ab + b2)2. So we must find a, b such that a2 + ab + b2 is divisible by 73.
At this point I found a = 18, b = 1 by trial and error.
A more systematic argument turns on noticing that a2 + ab + b2 = (a3 - b3)/(a - b), so we are looking for a, b with a3 = b3 (mod 73). We now remember that aφ(m) = 1 (mod m). But φ(73) = 2·3·49, so a3 = 1 (mod 343) if a = n98. We find 298 = 18 (343), which gives the solution 18, 1.
This approach does not give a flood of solutions. n98 = 0, 1, 18, or 324. So the only solutions we get are 1, 18; 18, 324; 1, 324. 

Problem A3
Given points O and A in the plane. Every point in the plane is colored with one of a finite number of colors. Given a point X in the plane, the circle C(X) has center O and radius OX + (∠AOX)/OX, where ∠AOX is measured in radians in the range [0, 2π). Prove that we can find a point X, not on OA, such that its color appears on the circumference of the circle C(X).
Suppose the result is false. Let C1 be any circle center O. Then the locus of points X such that C(X) = C1 is a spiral from O to the point of intersection of OA and C1. Every point of this spiral must be a different color from all points of the circle C1. Hence every circle center O with radius smaller than C1 must include a point of different color to those on C1. Suppose there are n colors. Then by taking successively smaller circles C2, C3, ... , Cn+1 we reach a contradiction, since each circle includes a point of different color to those on any of the larger circles. 

Problem B1
Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with the line CD tangent to the circle on diameter AB. Prove that the line AB is tangent to the circle on diameter CD if and only if BC and AD are parallel.
If AB and CD are parallel, then AB is tangent to the circle on diameter CD if and only if AB = CD and hence if and only if ABCD is a parallelogram. So the result is true.
Suppose then that AB and DC meet at O. Let M be the midpoint of AB and N the midpoint of CD. Let S be the foot of the perpendicular from N to AB, and T the foot of the perpendicular fromM to CD. We are given that MT = MA. OMT, ONS are similar, so OM/MT = ON/NS and hence OB/OA = (ON - NS)/(ON + NS). So AB is tangent to the circle on diameter CD if and only if OB/OA = OC/OD which is the condition for BC to be parallel to AD. 

Problem B2
Let d be the sum of the lengths of all the diagonals of a plane convex polygon with n > 3 vertices. Let p be its perimeter. Prove that:
    n - 3 < 2d/p < [n/2] [(n+1)/2] - 2, where [x] denotes the greatest integer not exceeding x.
Given any diagonal AX, let B be the next vertex counterclockwise from A, and Y the next vertex counterclockwise from X. Then the diagonals AX and BY intersect at K. AK + KB > AB and XK + KY > XY, so AX + BY > AB + XY. Keeping A fixed and summing over X gives n - 3 cases. So if we then sum over A we get every diagonal appearing four times on the lhs and every side appearing 2(n-3) times on the rhs, giving 4d > 2(n-3)p.
Denote the vertices as A0, ... , An-1 and take subscripts mod n. The ends of a diagonal AX are connected by r sides and n-r sides. The idea of the upper limit is that its length is less than the sum of the shorter number of sides. Evaluating it is slightly awkward.
We consider n odd and n even separately. Let n = 2m+1. For the diagonal AiAi+r with r ≤ m, we have AiAi+r ≤ AiAi+2 + ... + AiAi+r. Summing from r = 2 to m gives for the rhs (m-1)AiAi+1 + (m-1)Ai+1Ai+2 + (m-2)Ai+2Ai+3 + (m-3)Ai+3Ai+4 + ... + 1.Ai+m-1Ai+m. Now summing over i gives d for the lhs and p( (m-1) + (1 + 2 + ... + m-1) ) = p( (m2 + m - 2)/2 ) for the rhs. So we get 2d/p ≤ m2 + m - 2 = [n/2] [(n+1)/2] - 2.
Let n = 2m. As before we have AiAi+r <= AiAi+2 + ... + AiAi+r for 2 ≤ r ≤ m-1. We may also take AiAi+m ≤ p/2. Summing as in the even case we get 2d/p = m2 - 2 = [n/2] [(n+1)/2] - 2. 

Problem B3
Let a, b, c, d be odd integers such that 0 < a < b < c < d and ad = bc. Prove that if a + d = 2k and b + c = 2m for some integers k and m, then a = 1.
a < c, so a(d - c) < c (d - c) and hence bc - ac < c(d - c). So b - a < d - c, or a + d > b + c, so k > m.
bc = ad, so b(2m - b) = a(2k - a). Hence b2 - a2 = 2m(b - 2k-ma). But b2 - a2 = (b + a)(b - a), and (b + a) and (b - a) cannot both be divisible by 4 (since a and b are odd), so 2m-1 must divide b + a or b - a. But if it divides b - a, then b - a ≥ 2m-1, so b and c > 2m-1 and b + c > 2m. Contradiction. Hence 2m-1 divides b + a. If b + a ≥ 2m = b + c, then a ≥ c. Contradiction. Hence b + a = 2m-1.
So we have b = 2m-1 - a, c = 2m-1 + a, d = 2k - a. Now using bc = ad gives: 2ka = 22m-2. But a is odd, so a = 1.
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Math Olympiad Contest Problems for Elementary and Middle Schools, Vol. 1

Solutions are also available in     Murray S Klamkin, International Mathematical Olympiads 1978-1985, MAA 1986, and in   István Reiman, International Mathematical Olympiad 1959-1999, ISBN 189-8855-48-X.

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