14th International Mathematical Olympiad 1972 Problems & Solutions

A1.  Given any set of ten distinct numbers in the range 10, 11, ... , 99, prove that we can always find two disjoint subsets with the same sum.
A2.  Given n > 4, prove that every cyclic quadrilateral can be dissected into n cyclic quadrilaterals.
A3.  Prove that (2m)!(2n)! is a multiple of m!n!(m+n)! for any non-negative integers m and n.
B1.  Find all positive real solutions to:         (x12 - x3x5)(x22 - x3x5) ≤ 0
        (x22 - x4x1)(x32 - x4x1) ≤ 0
        (x32 - x5x2)(x42 - x5x2) ≤ 0
        (x42 - x1x3)(x52 - x1x3) ≤ 0
        (x52 - x2x4)(x12 - x2x4) ≤ 0
B2.  f and g are real-valued functions defined on the real line. For all x and y, f(x + y) + f(x - y) = 2f(x)g(y). f is not identically zero and |f(x)| ≤ 1 for all x. Prove that |g(x)| ≤ 1 for all x.
B3.  Given four distinct parallel planes, prove that there exists a regular tetrahedron with a vertex on each plane. 


Problem A1
Given any set of ten distinct numbers in the range 10, 11, ... , 99, prove that we can always find two disjoint subsets with the same sum.
The number of non-empty subsets is 210 - 1 = 1023. The sum of each subset is at most 90 + ... + 99 = 945, so there must be two distinct subsets A and B with the same sum. A \ B and B \ A are disjoint subsets, also with the same sum. 

Problem A2
Given n > 4, prove that every cyclic quadrilateral can be dissected into n cyclic quadrilaterals.
A little tinkering soon shows that it is easy to divide a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD into 4 cyclic quadrilaterals. Take a point P inside the quadrilateral and take an arbitrary line PK joining it to AB. Now take L on BC so that ∠KPL = 180o - ∠B (thus ensuring that KPLB is cyclic), then M on CD so that ∠LPM = 180o - ∠C, then N on AD so that ∠MPN = 180o - ∠D. Then ∠NPK = 180o - ∠A. We may need to impose some restrictions on P and K to ensure that we can obtain the necessary angles. It is not clear, however, what to do next.
The trick is to notice that the problem is easy if two sides are parallel. For then we may take arbitrarily many lines parallel to the parallel sides and divide the original quadrilateral into any number of parts.
So we need to arrange our choice of P and K so that one of the new quadrilaterals has parallel sides. But that is easy, since K is arbitrary. So take PK parallel to AD, then we must also have PL parallel to CD.
It remains to consider how we ensure that the points lie on the correct sides. Consider first K and L. K cannot lie on AD since PK is parallel to AD, and we can avoid it lying on BC by taking P sufficiently close to D. Similarly, taking P sufficiently close to D ensures that L lies on BC. Now suppose that M and N are both on AD. Then if we keep K fixed and move P closer to CD, N will move on to CD, leaving M on AD. 

Problem A3
Prove that (2m)!(2n)! is a multiple of m!n!(m+n)! for any non-negative integers m and n.
The trick is to find a recurrence relation for f(m,n) = (2m)!(2n)!/(m!n!(m+n)!). In fact, f(m,n) = 4 f(m,n-1) - f(m+1,n-1), which is sufficient to generate all the f(m,n), given that f(m,0) = (2m)!/(m!m!), which we know to be integeral. 

Problem B1
Find all positive real solutions to:
        (x12 - x3x5)(x22 - x3x5) ≤ 0
        (x22 - x4x1)(x32 - x4x1) ≤ 0
        (x32 - x5x2)(x42 - x5x2) ≤ 0
        (x42 - x1x3)(x52 - x1x3) ≤ 0
        (x52 - x2x4)(x12 - x2x4) ≤ 0
Answer: x1 = x2 = x3 = x4 = x5.
The difficulty with this problem is that it has more information than we need. There is a neat solution in Greitzer which shows that all we need is the sum of the 5 inequalities, because one can rewrite that as (x1x2 - x1x4)2 + (x2x3 - x2x5)2 + ... + (x5x1 - x5x3)2 + (x1x3 - x1x5)2 + ... + (x5x2 - x5x4)2 ≤ 0. The difficulty is how one ever dreams up such an idea!
The more plodding solution is to break the symmetry by taking x1 as the largest. If the second largest is x2, then the first inequality tells us that x12 or x22 = x3x5. But if x3 and x5 are unequal, then the larger would exceed x1 or x2. Contradiction. Hence x3 = x5 and also equals x2 or x1. If they equal x1, then they would also equal x2 (by definition of x2), so in any case they must equal x2. Now the second inequality gives x2 = x1x4. So either all the numbers are equal, or x1 > x2 = x3 = x5 > x4. But in the second case the last inequality is violated. So the only solution is all numbers equal.
If the second largest is x5, then we can use the last inequality to deduce that x2 = x4 = x5 and proceed as before.
If the second largest is x3, then the fourth inequality gives that x1 = x3 = x5 or x1 = x3 = x4. In the first case, x5 is the second largest and we are home already. In the second case, the third inequality gives x32 = x2x5 and hence x3 = x2 = x5 (or one of x2, x5 would be larger than the second largest). So x5 is the second largest and we are home.
Finally, if the second largest is x4, then the second inequality gives x1 = x2 = x4 or x1 = x3 = x4. Either way, we have a case already covered and so the numbers are all equal. 

Problem B2
f and g are real-valued functions defined on the real line. For all x and y, f(x + y) + f(x - y) = 2f(x)g(y). f is not identically zero and |f(x)| ≤ 1 for all x. Prove that |g(x)| ≤ 1 for all x.
Let k be the least upper bound for |f(x)|. Suppose |g(y)| > 1. Take any x with |f(x)| > 0, then 2k ≥ |f(x+y)| + |f(x-y)| ≥ |f(x+y) + f(x-y)| = 2|g(y)||f(x)|, so |f(x)| < k/|g(y)|. In other words, k/|g(y)| is an upper bound for |f(x)| which is less than k. Contradiction. 

Problem B3
Given four distinct parallel planes, prove that there exists a regular tetrahedron with a vertex on each plane.
Intuitively, we can place A and B on the two outer planes with AB perpendicular to the planes. Then tilt AB in one direction until we bring C onto one of the middle planes (keeping A and B on the outer planes), then tilt AB the other way (keeping A, B, C on their respective planes) until D gets onto the last plane.
Take A as the origin. Let the vectors AB, AC, AD be b, c, d. Take p as one of the outer planes. Let the distances to the other planes be e, f, g. Now we find a vector n satisfying: n.b = e, n.c = f, n.d = g. This is a system of three equations in three unknowns with non-zero determinant (because b.c x d is non-zero), so it has a solution n. Scale the tetrahedron by |n|, orient p perpendicular to n/|n|, then B, C, D will be on the other planes as required. 
 International Mathematical Olympiads 1959-1977 (New Mathematical Library)Solutions are also available in:   Samuel L Greitzer, International Mathematical Olympiads 1959-1977, MAA 1978, and in   István Reiman, International Mathematical Olympiad 1959-1999, ISBN 189-8855-48-X.

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