How to Make Multiplication Homework Fun

For a grade-schooler, learning the basics of math can be hard especially if it is not taught properly. Multiplication Tool is an online math study tool that helps students master the “art” of multiplying several digits. This website should help children improve on this essential math skill which can benefit a lot in tackling more difficult number problems.

math study tools
To start, you can solve a problem displayed on the website, generate a new problem, or select a new difficulty level. Then choose the method that you want to use. You can drag the numbers to the blank squares to complete the equation.
math study tools
The Multiplication Tool will drill students on three common methods: Standard, Partial Products, and Lattice. Each method includes an explanation for both teachers and students. You can then solve various problems using these methods. This way, the student can better understand how multiplication works by learning the method that they are most comfortable with.
math study tools
Although this website only deals with multiplication skills, students who have difficulty with Math can really turn a corner by using this study tool.
  • Study tool for students to learn multiplication.
  • Solve problems using three methods.
  • Switch between methods to solve problems.
  • Generate new problems.
  • Hinting option to solve problems.
  • Increase difficulty level.
Check out Multiplication Tool @

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