Mathematics Books (part 3)


Math Text Books by Harold Jacobs vs Saxon
Susan Richman compares these two math texts popular with homeschoolers.

Essential Mathematics for Life Series

by Mary S. Charuhas
These workbooks provide pre and post tests, and lots of real-life examples of the concepts that are presented so a young person can see how to use math in the real world. They are all paperbacks. We used these for supplemental material. This is the order that is recommended to use them.
  1. Whole Numbers
  2. Decimals and Fractions
  3. Percents and Proportions
  4. Graphs, Measurements, and Statistics
  5. Geometry
  6. Algebra
  7. Review of Whole Numbers Through Algebra

Harold Jacobs Series

These are the texts we use with our son, chosen because of their sense of humor and thoroughness of concepts covered.
Elementary Algebra
by Harold Jacobs
Algebra for the homeschool student who really wants to know and apply algebra. 1995 Hardback
Geometry : Seeing, Doing, Understanding by Harold Jacobs
High school geometry text that is thorough, yet done in a "right brain" way. 3rd edition (March 14, 2003)

Mathematics: A Human Endeavor

by Harold Jacobs
A book for those who think they don't like the subject, and a popular book among teen homeschoolers for that reason. 1994 3rd Edition Hardback
Student Workbook for Jacobs Mathematics: A Human Endeaveavor
by Susan Knueven Wong
Working through this book will convince any human being, of almost any age, that he or she is a born mathematician.

Key to Math Series

Sometimes a certain concept or area of math study just doesn't "stick" or needs more review. Sometimes you want to introduce an advanced student to more difficult topics. That's what the Key to...® series is all about: inexpensive, sequentially-oriented and straightforward help on specialized topics. Consumable workbooks from Sonlight.
Key to Algebra Set - Books 1-10 (w/Answer Keys)
Key to Geometry Set - Books 1-8 (w/Answer Keys)
Key to Fractions Set - Books 1-4 (w/Answer Keys)
Key to Decimals Set - Books 1-4 (w/Answer Keys)
Key to Percents Set - Books 1-3 (w/Answer Keys)
Key to Measurements Set - Books 1-4 (w/Answer Keys)


Miquon Math Workbooks
Instead of presenting the content of mathematics as a body of knowledge to be learned, Miquon Math uses Cuisenaire Rods and a unique graphic layout to help children discover mathematical relationships and formulae on their own (with your guidance) and to view the world mathematically. The program emphasizes mathematical patterns and relationships rather than pre-set formulas and methods.
Cuisenaire Rods
Seventy-four rectangular plastic rods that vary from one unit (a cube) to ten units in length. Related products. Available through Sonlight.

Saxon Series

by John H. Saxon, Jr.
Remember the movie "Stand and Deliver" about the bariokids that won the math contest? They used Saxon. It's loved and hated for its repetitious nature. Visit the Saxon site for help with placement. Geometry is taught along with Algebra, so there is no separate book.
Saxon Math Placement Tests
PDF files for you to download and print to have your child take in order to figure out which Saxon Math book is right.
Saxon Math: Levels K - 3
Saxon Math: Levels 4 - 6
Saxon Math: Levels 7 - 8
Saxon Math: Levels 9+
DIVE into Math
Dr. David Shormann's DIVE Into Math (DIVE stands for Digital Interactive Video Education) programs walk your child through each of the Saxon Math books, from Math 5/4 to AP Calculus.

Math 5/4: An Incremental Development
Math 6/5: An Incremental Development
Math 7/6: An Incremental Development
Math 8/7
Math 87 Adaptation: Student Workbook
Algebra One-Half : An Incremental Development (HB)
Algebra 1/2: An Incremental Development (PB)
Algebra 1 : An Incremental Development
Algebra 2 : An Incremental Development
Advanced Mathematics : An Incremental Development
Advanced Mathematics : An Incremental Development (Solutions Manual) Second Edition
Calculus With Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
Solutions Manual for: Calculus With Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry

Singapore Math Books

Why Homeschoolers Like Singapore Math
Singapore introduces new concepts in a way that is logical, sequential, and makes it easy for the student to understand.
Singapore Math Placement Tests
First, have your child take the placement test that matches what you think your child's grade level is. If your child scores 80% or more, that indicates he knows the material well and is ready to go on to the next level. But a score of less than 80% indicates that you may want to begin at that level.
Levels PreK - K: Earlybird Kindergarten Mathematics
Singapore Math: Levels 1 - 2
Singapore Math: Levels 3 - 4
Singapore Math: Levels 5 - 6
Singapore Math: Levels 7 - 10
Singapore Math: Levels 11+

Video Text

VideoText Algebra
VHS & DVD. Helps students not only to understand algebraic concepts, but to appreciate how and why the concepts are important. Available through Sonlight.

Reference Books

Math on Call
by Great Source Education Group
This has to be one of the best mathematical reference books published today. It covers a wide range of topics from number theory, algebra, geometry, fractions, probability, statistics, ratios, etc. in a simple, highly illustrated, and easily referenced index to almost any math problem encountered by elementary to high school.

Math Books to Prepare for Contests

How to Solve Word Problems in Algebra
A Solved Problem Approach
by Johnson, Mildred
Translates the language of each type of word problem into math symbols; shows you how to set up the appropriate equations, solve and check your answers.
How to Solve Word Problems in Geometry
by Dawn B. Sova
Detailed, easy-to-follow instruction in procedures for solving word problems, with an emphasis on the mechanics of problem-solving. The book can be used independently or in conjunction with any of the standard geometry texts on either the elementary or intermediate level.
Rapid Math Tricks & Tips: 30 Days to Number Power
More Rapid Math: Tricks and Tips : 30 Days to Number Mastery
by Edward H. Julius
Master common math problems without a calculator! Award-winning math teacher Ed Julius covers more than 60 powerful math tips and techniques in his entertaining 30-day program.
Speed Mathematics: Secret Skills for Quick Calculation
by Bill Handley
People who excel at mathematics use better strategies than the rest of us; they are not necessarily more intelligent.

DVD Format

Advanced Math Topics

The Algebra Tutor: Algebra I and II
by Willie L. Thomas
This book is designed to give one the feeling that the author is sitting beside you and guiding you through the indivisual lessons.
Basic Mathematics
by Serge Lang
Readers will get a firm foundation in basic principles of mathematics which are necessary to know in order to go ahead in calculus, linear algebra or other topics.
Calculus by and for Young People (Ages 7, Yes 7 and Up)
by Donald Cohen
The crossings between recreational mathematics, modern calculators and the track of such pioneers as Newton and Euler make this breezy and personal account, more notebook than book, good fun for the mathematically inclined young person and helpful for any adults who seek freer and solid arithmetic teaching. Paperback 1989. Worksheets.
Calculus Made Easy
by Thompson, Silvanus P.
An classic, understandable, intuitive introduction to calculus which my husband found engrossing while still in high school. Originally written over 60 years ago. Ages 14+. 1998 Revised Edition. Hardcover.
MP: Elementary Statistics: A Brief Version with Interactive CD-ROM
by Allan G. Bluman
The book is non-theoretical, explaining concepts intuitively and teaching problem solving through worked examples and step-by-step instructions. This edition features increased emphasis on Excel, MINITAB, and the TI-83 Plus graphing calculator, computing technologies commonly used in such courses.

Math and Another Subject, too

Hands-On Algebra
Ready-To-Use Games & Activities for Grades 7-12
by Frances M. Thompson
Drag out the little kids' math blocks! You aren't done with them yet! You can use them to help understand algebra.
Math on the Menu
by Kopp, Jaine
Interweaves mathematics with an imaginary Mexican restaurant. Students help the Rosada family start a restaurant.
Mathematical Scandals
by Pappas, Theoni
Want to combine math and history? Learn about the secretive means some famous mathematicians had to take to learn math and get their findings known.
Math Instruction Materials
Sonlight makes math interesting, practical, and fun.
A to Z DVD Library
DVD rental and purchase store 
Beginning Algebra
Lial Developmental Mathematics Series
by Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby, Terry McGinnis
The Lial series has helped thousands of readers succeed in developmental mathematics through its approachable writing style, relevant real-world examples, extensive exercise sets, and complete supplements package. The Real Number System; Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable; Linear Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables: Functions; Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities; Exponents and Polynomials; Factoring and Applications; Rational Expressions and Applications; Roots and Radicals; Quadratic Equations
Intermediate Algebra
10th Edition
by Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby, Terry McGinnis
Review of the Real Number System; Linear Equations, Inequalities, and Applications; Graphs, Linear Equations, and Functions; Systems of Linear Equations; Exponents, Polynomials, and Polynomial Functions; Factoring; Rational Expressions and Functions; Roots, Radicals, and Root Functions; Quadratic Equations, Inequalities, and Functions; Inverse, Exponential, and Logarithmic Functions; Nonlinear Functions, Conic Sections, and Nonlinear Systems; Sequences and Series.
Family Math : The Middle School Years, Algebraic Reasoning and Number Sense by Karen Mayfield-Ingram & Virginia Thompson
Provocative investigations to captivate older students. Together, families unlock the mystery of algebra with entertaining, nonthreatening activities.
My 7th grade math class uses this as our text book. It's a really cool book. It explains things really well.
How to Solve Word Problems in Algebra
A Solved Problem Approach
by Johnson, Mildred
Translates the language of each type of word problem into math symbols; shows you how to set up the appropriate equations, solve and check your answers. 1999 Paperback

Practical Algebra: A Self-Teaching Guide
2nd Edition
by Peter H. Selby
While rigorous enough to be used as a college or high school text, the format is reader friendly, particularly in this Second Edition, and clear enough to be used for self-study in a non-classroom environment.

Algebra Unplugged
by Kenn Amdahl & Jim Loats
Explanations are short, humorous, and non technical.

Algebra for Dummies
by Mary Jane Sterling
Friendly guide covers everything from fractions to quadratic equations. Includes real-world examples and story problems that will help even the most entrenched algebra phobes approach the subject with ease.

Real World Algebra
by Edward Zaccaro
Includes chapters on algebra and money, algebra and geometry, algebra and physics, algebra and levers and many more. Designed for children in grades 4-9 with higher math ability and interest but could be used by older students and adults as well.

Fun Math Games for Kids

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