21th USA Mathematical Olympiad 1992 Problems
1. Let an be the number written with 2n nines. For example, a0 = 9, a1 = 99, a2 = 9999. Let bn = ∏0n ai. Find the sum of the digits of bn.
2. Let k = 1o. Show that ∑088 1/(cos nk cos(n+1)k ) = cos k/sin2k.
3. A set of 11 distinct positive integers has the property that we can find a subset with sum n for any n between 1 and 1500 inclusive. What is the smallest possible value for the second largest element?
4. Three chords of a sphere are meet at a point X inside the sphere but are not coplanar. A sphere through an endpoint of each chord and X touches the sphere through the other endpoints and X. Show that the chords have equal length.
5. A complex polynomial has degree 1992 and distinct zeros. Show that we can find complex numbers zn, such that if p1(z) = z - z1 and pn(z) = pn-1(z)2 - zn, then the polynomial divides p1992(z).
21th USA Mathematical Olympiad 1992
Problem 1
Let an be the number written with 2n nines. For example, a0 = 9, a1 = 99, a2 = 9999. Let bn = P0n ai. Find the sum of the digits of bn.
Answer: 9·2n.
Induction on n. We have b0 = 9, digit sum 9, and b1 = 891, digit sum 18, so the result is true for n = 0 and 1. Assume it is true for n-1. Obviously an < 10 to the power of 2n, so bn-1 < 10 to the power of (1 + 2 + 22 + ... + 2n-1) < 10 to the power of 2n. Now bn = bn-110N - bn-1, where N = 2n. But bn-1 < 10N, so bn = (bn-1 - 1)10N + (10N - bn-1) and the digit sum of bn is just the digit sum of (bn-1 - 1)10N plus the digit sum of (10N - bn-1).
Now bn-1 is odd and so its last digit is non-zero, so the digit sum of bn-1 - 1 is one less than the digit sum of bn-1, and hence is 9·2n-1 - 1. Multiplying by 10N does not change the digit sum. (10N - 1) - bn-1 has 2n digits, each 9 minus the corresponding digit of bn-1, so its digit sum is 9·2n - 9·2n-1. bn-1 is odd, so its last digit is not 0 and hence the last digit of (10N - 1) - bn-1 is not 9. So the digit sum of 10N - bn-1 is 9·2n - 9·2n-1 + 1. Hence bn has digit sum (9·2n-1 - 1) + (9·2n - 9·2n-1 + 1) = 9·2n. Problem 2
Let k = 1o. Show that S088 1/(cos nk cos(n+1)k ) = cos k/sin2k.
tan(n+1)k - tan nk = ( sin(n+1)k cos nk - sin nk cos(n+1)k )/( cos nk cos(n+1)k ) = sin k /( cos nk cos(n+1)k ). Using this expression the sum telescopes and we get ∑088 1/(cos nk cos(n+1)k ) = (tan 89k - tan 0)/sin k. But tan 0 = 0 and tan 89k = cot(π/2 - 89k) = cot k.
A set of 11 distinct positive integers has the property that we can find a subset with sum n for any n between 1 and 1500 inclusive. What is the smallest possible value for the second largest element?
Answer: 248.
By taking the integers to be 1, 2, 4, 8, ... , 1024 we can generate all integers up to 2047. But by taking some integers smaller, we can do better. For example, 1, 2, 4, ... , 128, 247, 248, 750 gives all integers up to 1500. We can obviously use the integers 1, 2, 4, ... , 128 to generate all integers up to 255. Adding 248 gives all integers from 256 up to 503. Then adding 247 gives all integers from 504 to 750. So adding 750 gives all integers up to 1500. We show that we cannot do better than this.
Let the integers be a1 < a2 < ... < a11. Put sn = a1 + ... + an. Take N such that sN-1 < 1500 ≤ sN. Note that 1500 must be a sum of some of the integers so certainly 1500 ≤ s11. Equally we obviously have a1 = 1, a2 = 2, so N is well-defined and we have 1 < N ≤ 11. Now if 1 < k ≤ N, we have sk-1 < 1500 and hence sk-1 + 1 ≤ 1500. So some sum of distinct ai must equal sk-1 + 1 and it must involve an ai with i > k-1 since sk-1 < sk-1 + 1. Hence ak ≤ sk-1 + 1 for 1 < k ≤ N.
Now an easy induction gives sk ≤ 2k - 1. We must have a1 = 1 and hence s1 = 1, so it is true for k = 1. Suppose it is true for k-1. Then ak ≤ sk-1 + 1 ≤ 2k-1, so sk = sk-1 + ak ≤ 2k-1 - 1 + 2k-1 = 2k - 1, so it is true for k. Hence for all k ≤ N. But 210 -1 = 1023 < 1500, so if N < 11, then sN < 1500. Contradiction. Hence N = 11.
We have sk = sk-1 + ak ≤ 2sk-1 + 1. Hence sk-1 ≥ (sk - 1)/2. So s11 ≥ 1500 implies s10 ≥ 750. But s8 ≤ 255, so a9 + a10 ≥ 495, so a10 ≥ 248.
Three chords of a sphere are meet at a point X inside the sphere but are not coplanar. A sphere through an endpoint of each chord and X touches the sphere through the other endpoints and X. Show that the chords have equal length.
Let two of the chords be AB and CD. Take the plane containing them. In this plane we have a circle through A, B, C, D, and a circle through A, C, X which touches a circle through B, D, X at X. We show that AX = CX. Let the common tangent at X meet the larger circle at E and F. [Assume the points are in the order A, C, F, B, D, E as we go round the circle.] We have ∠XAC = ∠BAC (same angle) = ∠BDC (circle ABCD) = ∠BXF (XF tangent to BXD) = ∠EXA (opposite angle) = ∠XCA (EX tangent to AXC). So XAC is isosceles. So XA = XC. Similarly XB = XD. Hence AB = CD.
Similarly, the other pairs of chords are equal.
A complex polynomial has degree 1992 and distinct zeros. Show that we can find complex numbers zn, such that if p1(z) = z - z1 and pn(z) = pn-1(z)2 - zn, then the polynomial divides p1992(z).
Let the polynomial of degree 1992 be q(z). Suppose its roots are w1, w2, ... , w1992. Let S1 = {w1, ... , w1992}. We now define S2 as follows. Let z1 = (w1 + w2)/2 and take S2 to be the set of all numbers (w - z1)2 with w in S1. Note that w = w1 and w = w2 give the same number. It is possible that other pairs may also give the same number. But certainly |S2| <= |S1| - 1. We now repeat this process until we get a set with only one member. Thus if Si has more than one member, then we take we take zi to be an average of any two distinct members. Then we take Si+1 to be the set of all (w - zi)2 with w in Si. So after picking at most 1991 elements zi we have a set SN with only one member. Take zN to be that one member, so that SN+1 = {0}. Now if N < 1991, take the remaining zi to be 0 until we reach z1992.
Now as we allow z to take the values in S:
p1(z) = (z - z1) takes 1992 possible values;
p2(z) = (z - z1)2 - z2 takes at most 1991 possible values;
p3(z) = ( (z - z12 - z2)2 - z3 takes at most 1990 possible values;
p4(z) = ( ( (z - z1)2 - z2)2 - z3)2 - z4 takes at most 1989 possible values;
p1992(z) takes only the value 0.
So every root of q(z) is also a root of p1992(z). Hence q(z) must divide p1992(z).